Thousands of people lose their homes. George appears to do nothing, apart from talking up the US economy. A little while later, millions of people have lost their homes. Still nothing.
A few bankers lose their shirts. George and the Federal Reserve hand over billions and billions of dollars to prop them up. Suddenly, lots of bankers and stockbrokers have lost their shirts, and George is looking to hand them nearly a trillion dollars.
What I don't understand is this -> if he has a trillion dollars to spare (and I think the only way he could is to get the U.S mint printing 24 hours a day), why doesn't he buy up the houses that have been foreclosed, and rent them back to the previous owners, or even more radically, give them back. Surely the same amount would be spent, people would have a place to live, and the banks and stockbrokers would no longer be carrying a trillion dollars worth of debt. The real estate market and stock markets might even recover. Sounds politically astute to me. But I'm sure the answer would be, 'that's not the way we do things here.'
I love conspiracy theories, so I'll throw one out there: I wonder if the whole thing is an exercise to create the biggest market manipulation the world has ever seen. If it is, expect US real estate and stocks to be up substantially again, sometime next year, along with banker/stockbroker purchases of Porsches, Mercedes Benzes and condominiums by the sea. Alternatively, it really is an economic crisis, but Congress is so sick of Bush's 'the sky is falling/our country's security is at stake/cry wolf' statements that they don't believe him. Who knows?
Well, I've got to say one thing - I hope you supporters of the Democrat Party, never do admit that the Dems make mistakes - ever, because if you do - only once - I will probably have another heart attack and I have already had one and can't afford another. You guys are incredible - laughable really except that I think it's a terrible thing you are doing - awarding the guilty and punishing the innocent (or more innocent anyway).
I guess for some it's Dems do or die. They could probably even sell our countries secrets to the Chinese Communists, or betray our troops in Viet Nam, or even speak out against their own country while visiting abroad...Oh...wait...yeah, that's right, they did do that didn't they? Hum...sorry...never mind.
10/4/2008 Paul Kogel
It is true that Clinton and the Democrats permitted the dangerous lending policies that has brought America and the entire world to the financial mess we now have (don't have a heart attack Paul - I admitted the Dems have problems). But George W. has been in power since late 2000, so he's had time to do something about it. It's no good blaming the previous administration. George hasn't had his eye on the financial ball - he's been too busy with his wars. I'm afraid that war isn't a good enough excuse - he's the leader and he needs to be abreast of all the issues that his country faces. He has advisors and entire departments to help him do this. There have been fantastic opportunities to raise the wealth and economic acumen of America in the past eight years - with the rise of China and India.
It needs to be faced that George has brought discredit to America on so many issues - with the financial issue (the realm that Republicans credit themselves on being so saavy with) being the worst. Paul, you're right - George Bush didn't cause the financial crisis. Nor did he take enough notice of the warning signs. I say it again - he had eight years to do something about the policies that brought us to this point. The man is not leadership material. If he was a Democrat, I'd be saying the same thing. Thank God he can't stand again.
To everyone that is about to vote, I would say this: look at the candidates and look for the man who leads in the style that you would like to see in the world. Look at his policies and see if these align with your own ethics and values. Note that I say ethics and values, not principles. Ethics and values guide you in your actions and help you respond to the constant changes and challenges of life. Principles to me are more like a fixed way to react to a fixed set of circumstances. Life isn't fixed. If we transform the way we approach life, then maybe we'll transform our experience of life.
Good luck in your choice
Well, I've got to say one thing - I hope you supporters of the Democrat Party, never do admit that the Dems make mistakes - ever, because if you do - only once - I will probably have another heart attack and I have already had one and can't afford another. You guys are incredible - laughable really except that I think it's a terrible thing you are doing - awarding the guilty and punishing the innocent (or more innocent anyway).
I guess for some it's Dems do or die. They could probably even sell our countries secrets to the Chinese Communists, or betray our troops in Viet Nam, or even speak out against their own country while visiting abroad...Oh...wait...yeah, that's right, they did do that didn't they? Hum...sorry...never mind.
10/4/2008 Paul Kogel
Valid points to consider here. Maybe the best thing is to ask for interest income from that $700 billion as "Return on Investment" to be credited to each American taxpayer in monthly checks - that is only appropriate and is sound Accounting procedure (lending/borrowing)
-after all it's your money. Charge interest for its use.
And yes, give back the homes to those who lost them, restructure the loans on LOWER interest rates and condone the penalties and arrears.
Foreclosures don't solve anything.
10/2/2008 Cynthia Baello