The entire journey from Australia to England takes about 24 hours of flight. As far as I know, all of the airlines stop at least once to refuel and transfer passengers. You can stay on the plane and do the entire 24 hours in one step, or stop for a night or two to recuperate. Kerryn and I recently stopped in Brunei for two days. Brunei is a small country located on the island of Borneo, just east of Singapore. 95% of the country’s export revenue comes from its crude oil and natural gas reserves. The head of government is His Majesty, the 29th Sultan of Brunei, who has been the country’s leader since his father abdicated in 1967. The country is unusual for the region - its population is only about 350,000. The majority of the population is Muslim, including the Sultan himself. I have to admit that I felt some trepidation about visiting Brunei: the Western media hasn’t been kind to Muslims in recent years. However, I know that the media tends to focus on the negative news, so I wanted t...
Chris Dowding wrote a draft Famous Five book, at 10 years old. He was unadventurous, and received poor marks for writing during school in the 1980s. Despite this, he published a book in 2007 (a Few Drops short of a Pint). He has experienced a demanding career as a Structural Engineer and divorce from his faithful but forceful wife of 13 years. Since then, he has trekked the Andes and the Himalayas. His love of a good story seems to compel him to keep moving his feet, and his words, forwards...